First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Project Address (if different from current address):
Are there any special instructions for getting to your home (i.e gate code, parking, etc.)?
What is your rough budget for the entire project (Including design, construction, finishes & furnishings)?
I need help figuring this out.
Does your project have a preferred timeline? If so, please share.
Are there any other people who would be considered decision makers when it comes to this project? If yes, please list their name and relationship to you.
What is the approximate square footage of your home?
What are your long term goals for your home?
It is my forever home!
Sell, 3-5 years.
Sell, eventually.
I'm flipping!
What rooms are you looking to include in the scope of the project?
Whole House
Powder Room
Laundry Room
Living Room
Dining Room
Full Bath
As far as function goes, what is working in the space and what is not?
When this project is complete, describe the FEELING you would like to create for you and your friends/family.
When it comes to your design aesthetic and style:
I know exactly what I like/want.
I kind of know what I like/want.
I need help figuring it out.
We know what we want but don’t agree.
When it comes to color, which is most true for you?
I am not at all afraid of color!
I want some color but thoughtfully curated.
I prefer neutrals.
Are there any future projects you would like to mention?
How many people live in your home? Please describe their ages and interests!
Who will be enjoying this project space with you?
Do any pets live in the home/office?
Where did you grow up? Do you think that has had any influence on your style and way of living?
Where have you traveled to that you truly enjoyed?
Do you enjoy entertaining? If so, what is your entertaining style (ie. casual, fancy dinner party, backyard BBQ, kid-friendly, etc)?
Do you have any childhood memories around home/place that you are particularly fond of?
Have you worked with an interior designer before? If yes, how was your experience?
When it comes to making decisions, I am:
Quick and confident.
I am somewhat quick but sometimes second guess myself.
I need some time in order to make the best decision possible.
I don't make decisions. I freeze when I have options.
Is there anything else that you would like us to know?